Key points for Job Support Scheme 'Open'

Who can Claim?

You don't need to have used the Job Retention Scheme to be able to take advantage of JSS Open.

To be eligible the employee must have been included on a RTI submission between 6th April 2019 and 23rd September 2020.

When can the claim be submitted?

Claims can be only be submitted in December 2020 for November's payrolls and so forth.

How long is the scheme going to run for?

Runs for 6 months from 1st November 2020, current rules to be reviewed in January 2021.

Conditions of the claim

An agreement must be signed by the employee to confirm the contractual change, this change must be a minimum of 7 days. Claims for JSS Open can only start from the date the agreement was signed not when a discussion took place.

An employer cannot claim JSS Open for an employee who has been made redundant or is serving notice during the claim period.

What's included in the claim?

The calculation will be based on a similar basis to the furlough scheme.

The government will pay 61.67% of the hours not worked, up to a maximum of £1,541.75 per month.

What does the employer need to pay?

You as the employer are required to pay 100% of any hours worked by the employees.

To be eligible for the scheme the employee will need to work a minimum of 20% of their hours.

Employer will pay 5% of the unworked hours, up to a maximum of £125.00 per month.

You can top up employees' wages at your own expense.

Employers will pay the employers NI and employers pension contribution as normal.

Further guidance to be released at the end of October.